Friday 25 September 2015

Preliminary Task: Creating A Storyboard Of Our Initial Ideas

12 Shot Challenge 

In todays lesson, we were tasked with the '12 Shot Challenge' - This is where we have only 12 shots to complete our Preliminary Task. To begin with, we created a list of our ideas for camera shots, camera angles and camera movements:

1. An establishing shot of the field and the base in the background.
2. Long shot of un-named figure from behind walking towards the base.
3. Crabbing shot (close-up) of the figures feet.
4. Birds eye view of figure climbing through a window.
5. Mid-shot of figure (from the inside) climbing through the window, pan slowly towards the door as the figure walks towards it.
6. Close-up of hand on the door.
7. Girls Point-of-View of door opening and the figure walking towards her.
8. Mid-shot of duct tape getting ripped off the girl.
9. Over the shoulder shot facing towards the figure.
10. Close-up of girls face.
11. Extreme close-up of girls teary eyes.
12. Over the shoulder shot facing the figure who then proceeds to take off the mask.

We then created storyboards, created dialogue for the characters and imagined what the shots would look like whilst filming.

Here are the storyboards:

By creating story boards, it allowed me to understand the significance of planning so that we can visualise the outcome of the shots before hand.

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