Sunday 24 January 2016

Planning: Casting

This is the audition footage we filmed of our cast reading a few lines from the characters the actors were auditioning for.
This was beneficial to us because it meant that we could go back and refer to the audition footage when deciding as a group who was best suited to which parts and filter out the actors who weren't.

 Our Cast:

Damon - Jack Westwood

Character's Age: 17

Damon's character: Damon is the normal all around popular guy that everyone knows and likes. He is the most masculine of the group and is very protective over his friends, especially his girlfriend Stephanie.

Why we chose this actor: We chose Jack to play the character of Damon because he has had previous experience with acting as he used to be a drama student so we know that he is capable of an accurate portrayal of a character. Additionally, he suits the physicality and appearance of how we imagined Damon would be like as Damon is a bit muscular and has a bigger build than Zac and Adrian.

Actors age: 17

Stephanie - Rachel Keevil

Character's Age: 16

Stephanie's Character: Stephanie is the stereotypical 'girly' girl. She is very squeamish and likes to rely on her boyfriend Damon when it comes to manual labour. Stephanie can also be very stuck up and irritating.

Why we chose this actor: We chose Rachel to play Stephanie as she is currently an A-Level drama student so she has a lot of experience acting and we know she will take her role very seriously. Additionally, she resembles Stephanie's confidence as Rachel is a very confident person.

Actor's age: 16

Alona - Neave Coleman

Character's age: 16

Alona's Character: Alona is the odd one out of the group as her interests involve the dark arts and is very spiritual. Alona is also a counter type of a stereotypical girl as she is independent and the bravest of the group.

Why we chose this actor: We chose Neave to play Alona because she fitted how we thought Alona's physical appearance would be: skinny and with long hair. She also used to be a drama student so she has experience with acting and we also felt that she delivered Alona's lines the best out of all the others that auditioned for her part.

Actor's age: 16

Zac - Thomas Mckenna

Character's age: 17

Zac's Character: Zac is very brave however, he can be obnoxious at times and likes to have a laugh because he is quite a joker but sometimes he can take it too far. He can be quite arrogant and thinks that he is really cool.

Why we chose this actor: We chose Tom to play Zac because he fits the physical appearance of how we imagined Zac would look like: tall, and with similar hair. We also thought that Tom fitted the part of Zac the best out of the others that auditioned because he delivered Zacs lines well.

Actor's age: 16

Adrian - Ashley Paddick

Character's age: 16

Adrian's Character: Adrian is quite introverted as he is quite shy in comparison to the rest of his friends who are more confident. He is the 'nice guy' of the group and gets along with everyone due to his laid back personality. 

Why we chose this actor: We chose Ashley to play Adrian as shows a lot of confidence in acting in front of a camera and has had previous acting experience as a GCSE drama student. We also felt that he was the best fit out of all the people that auditioned for Adrian as we like his take on the delivery of Adrian's lines. 

Actor's age: 17

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