Thursday 8 October 2015

Learning To Edit With Premiere Pro

Over the course of 2 lessons I started to learn the basics of editing using the software, Adobe Premiere Pro to produce a short piece of film that features Match-on-action, the 180 Degree Rule, and Shot/Reverse Shot. I then used footage from the previous sixth form group to practise what I had learnt during lesson and what I managed to figure out my self while using the software.

I learnt how to:
. Edit and cut/separate video using the razor tool
. Import and apply audio
. Import clips
. Export project from Premiere Pro as media
. Change the volume and adjusting the audio
. Add transitions and other effects to the video or audio
. Moving and shortening clips
. Render video
. Upload it to YouTube and embed it to my blog

Music: Intro - by Dud

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