Thursday 29 October 2015

Researching Codes And Conventions Within Existing Media Products

In order to help us when developing ideas for the opening of our horror film we analysed other film openings from several different horror movies that are aimed at a teenage audience. We mind mapped the different ways in which codes such as the use of sound, camera, editing and miss-en-scene are used to effect the atmosphere of the film and help form conventions of horror films that were used in the opening.
Through doing this we gained a much better understanding of what representations of characters(stereotypes and counter counterstereotypes) and conventions were appropriate to use for a  horror film and how to use the different codes to portray these conventions successfully to ensure that our own film opening has verisimilitude.

Dead Wood

Dead Mary

Thursday 8 October 2015

Preliminary Task: Filming Schedule

Learning To Edit With Premiere Pro

Over the course of 2 lessons I started to learn the basics of editing using the software, Adobe Premiere Pro to produce a short piece of film that features Match-on-action, the 180 Degree Rule, and Shot/Reverse Shot. I then used footage from the previous sixth form group to practise what I had learnt during lesson and what I managed to figure out my self while using the software.

I learnt how to:
. Edit and cut/separate video using the razor tool
. Import and apply audio
. Import clips
. Export project from Premiere Pro as media
. Change the volume and adjusting the audio
. Add transitions and other effects to the video or audio
. Moving and shortening clips
. Render video
. Upload it to YouTube and embed it to my blog

Music: Intro - by Dud

Planing-Mise En Scene: Planning

The Characters for our Preliminary Task

Planning-Mise En Scene: Locations